165 packers donated

577 on the waitlist

November 2023

receive a packer

Can’t afford a packer?

There are far too many reasons that many trans people cannot afford gender-affirming products, let alone any gender-affirming care. One of Bornwear’s biggest priorities is accessibility. If you are someone who cannot afford the $30 packer-stroker, please fill out the form below. When someone gifts a packer to someone in need, you will receive yours in the mail. Gifters will NOT receive any of your information, your form response is private and only used to create and mail you your personalized packer. However, if you wish to anonymously thank a gifter or share something personal with them, please feel free to add that comment in the space provided. Gifted packers will be sent out in the order that people sign up, not any other circumstances. So please be aware that how long you’re on the waitlist is entirely unpredictable as it depends on how many people choose to donate packers and how many people are ahead of you on this waitlist.

If at any point you no longer want to be on this waitlist, please email mac@bornwear.co

If you have been waiting for over a couple of months, don’t hesitate to reach out via email to see where you stand on the waitlist.

When you are gifted a packer, you will receive a confirmation email and will be asked to confirm your shipping address. If you do not confirm your address within one week, the packer will go to the next person on the list. You will not be removed from the list if you fail to respond in time, just skipped over until you get another confirmation email and another week to respond. If at any point you do have an address change, please reach out with your new address as soon as you can!

I only make a limited supply of packers per month. If packers are sold out, you can still sign up to be on this list and you can still gift someone else a packer. When packers are restocked, then your packer will be made and shipped to you. Packers are restocked the second Friday of every month.

If you have any questions about this process, do not hesitate to ask! Bornwear is here to make it easy for you!

Join the Waitlist to Receive a donated a packer